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Harry Browne’s Interview with Eric Dondero

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Here’s an old interview with infamous “pro-war libertarian” (more like neoconservative)Eric Dondero by the late, great Harry Browne. This interview was done at the time a sick and dying Browne was delving into the mind of a Republican nutjob who supported the War in Iraq and claimed that the “Islamo-Fasicists” (a massive force of Islamists who purportedly embraced fascism) are coming through our borders.

Of course, Dondero called those who didn’t support the War, who didn’t support military action in Iraq, and who didn’t sign on board with the “Muslims-Are-Coming” Little Chicken mentality “complete wimps” and “crazy.” Dondero leveled loads of insults, screams, and accusations against Harry on one of his last radio shows.

Callers whom one can hear are the infamous Jones and then-(and now former) National Chair of the Republican Liberty Caucus Bill Westmiller. Bill then pointed out that Eric dropped an email to the RLC list, urging the then-Bush administration to “drop a nuclear bomb on Mecca.”

Of course, Dondero accuses Harry of not being a libertarian because Harry would have responded by writing in one of his columns that the attacks were “a criminal act,” yet later in the interview he says:

Look, I don’t want anybody to get the impression that, you know, uh, libertarians hold a single view on foreign policy. We are all in agreement – all libertarians – that we should get out of the United Nations and end foreign aid. I think, you know, we have massive disagreements on the War on Iraq and the responding to September 11th. Harry, I consider you a comrade in the libertarian movement. You and I should be concentrating on getting the Congress to stop foreign aid and getting us out of the United Nations. You know, if we have differences on this, perhaps we can put them aside.

What a complete hypocrite he is!

*Note: Dondero claims to “care about the 3,000 people” who were massacred on 9/11, yet he didn’t give a rip about them long before the September 11th attacks.

Written by Todd Andrew Barnett

February 9, 2012 at 5:26 pm