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Archive for the ‘CNN’ Category

The Republican Presidential Sideshow Freaks and Government Security

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Last week’s nauseating, nonsensical, and pathetic GOP presidential debate hosted by CNN and the neoconservative think tank The Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C. is both an epitome and a disturbing reminder of the lunacy of the Republican sideshow freaks (except for Ron Paul as usual) who have consistently demonstrated their naivete to the American public at large. These reprobates – from Mitt Romney to Herman Cain – will never learn and acknowledge that an offensive, aggressive, and warlike foreign policy will proceed to put American lives in jeopardy until they trace the history of this interventionism from Jefferson’s attack on the Barbary Pirates (rather than to pay bribes to them) to the present day evils committed in the Middle East. (Take the United States government’s present incursions here for instance.)

However, it goes without saying that the stentorian choruses of defending, protecting, worshiping, idolizing, and insulating the status quo are certainly over-the-top but not surprising. Ranging from preserving American foreign aid to Israel to “American exceptionalism” and “America leading the free world,” they are nothing but contrivances to prop up pseudo images of the State’s “benevolence,” the self-deceit and vanities of the governmental players involved, and the State’s self-appeasing, self-serving, and self-aggrandizing way of fashioning its own hubris under the guise of self-reassurance.

All of these things are said to shroud “national security” (which is government security) from the American people. The Democrats are just as horrendous on this issue, because they see it as a part of the government’s need to engage in humanitarianism abroad with the backing of the U.N., unlike the GOP that prefers to have Americans and the Pentagon declaring war against a foreign regime for “defending national security first” and then “humanitarianism second.” (Even Rick Santorum shares the Democratic trait on that thinking alone, despite his tough talk on terrorists and terrorism.)

Despite their minute differences on those issues, both major parties favor barbarism and welfare-warfare equality. With Republicans and Democrats like these (who are the heart of the tyrannical two-party system that expands, operates, and fuels the federal government), who needs enemies at all?

The Smearing of Ron Paul Over The WikiLeaks Matter

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CNN talking head John King and his panelists‘s conservative managing editor, blogger, and pundit Erick Erickson (who joined King’s show as a CNN political contributor this year, by the way) and the network’s liberal political contributor and syndicated columnist Roland Martin smeared Ron Paul over for his support for WikiLeaks. Paul tweeted his comments on the WikiLeaks matter, stating:

Re: Wikileaks- In a free society, we are supposed to know the truth. In a society where truth becomes treason, we are in big trouble.
7:25 AM Dec 3rd via web
Retweeted by 100+ people

Here’s the video of the slam against Paul by the state-worshiping shills on King’s show:

Listen to Erickson as he calls Paul a “nut” for sticking up for free speech and the truth. He also quips: “I believe [Paul] actually starred in a cartoon a while back as Marvin the Martian.”

While you’re at it, listen to Martin who sneers at Paul with these glib and slimy comments: “You know what? Being a native Texan, it’s little hard somtimes for me to realize that Ron Paul is also a Texan.”

Martin then grumbles:

I mean, what’s the…? First of all, first of all…but here’s the whole, here’s the whole deal for, for, for Ron Paul. The members of the House on Intelligence Committee….they learn about things that are secret, and we don’t know about. So, what is he, what is he saying? They should talk about those things? Come on, Congressman!

When King points out that, in reference to Paul and his supporters as well as everyone in the Liberty movement, “a lot of people who watch, who tweet, who follow, who email” what the two panelists (dingbats, as I call them!) say on TV will result in the network’s inbox getting “higher and higher,” Erickson says that he would have to change his phone number, while Martin says, “If you email me, I will email you back. So you go right ahead.”

Memo to Martin: We’ll be sure to do just that.

The height of hubris, vanity, and the self-aggrandizing and self-serving mindset from these apologists is just mind-numbing and putrid but not a surprise to all of us in the movement.

Good job, Ron Paul! More kudos to him! Hisses to the statists who want to destroy WL at all costs.

Written by Todd Andrew Barnett

December 5, 2010 at 3:22 pm

Ron Paul Goes Up Against Two Statist Physicians on Larry King Live

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Ron Paul weighs in on the “health care debate” (more like a pro-socialized medicine cheering) on Larry King Live, which aired on August 11, 2009. The two statist physicians, Dr. David Scheiner (Obama’s former personal physician and a member and supporter of the Physicians for a National Health Program that “supports a national single payer health program”) and Dr. Dean Ornish (the founder and president of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute and a medical editor at The Huffington Post blog)) who are on the same panel with him support the government control of health but want to take it further. CNN’s Wolf Blitzer sits in for King and “moderates” the absurd “debate.”

Scheiner, who is FOR the U.S. conversion to a “single-payer health care” apparatus, goes into defense mode for his precious “one-size-does-not-fit-all” policy, saying the following:

DR. DAVID SCHEINER: Well, you know, the question is, right now there are 89 representatives in the House, in, uh, the House that support single-payer. Sixty percent of physicians support, uh, single-payer. My organization, there are 16,000 physicians who are fighting for single-payer. The question is I don’t think the public has adequately been informed as to what single payer is. It has been so demonized. Medicare works! Now why is Medicare expensive? Because it takes care of old, sick people. If it were universal, the costs would be spread out. If the administrative costs were lower, they, they…we would be able to afford it. I don’t know why people are so frightened. A national health insurance doesn’t mean that we have socialized medicine. We have private doctors. Free choice! Patients do not have free choice today. They have to go to the doctor; their insurance company says. They have to go the hospital, the laboratory. The medication constantly changes, because they tell us it’s not in their formula. I want the public to have freedom of choice single payer gives them.

This nonsense that Medicare “works” is like saying the U.S. Post Office “works.” It is so inefficient and bureaucratic and saturated with globs of red tape that doctors, registered nurses (RNs), and other medical practitioners are forced to comply with that the costs of Medicare are going through the roof. Plus, Medicare underpays doctors, who either quit the profession because they can’t pay for the costs of their overhead or they are forced to spread the costs to their other patients who aren’t on Medicare. Yeah, Medicare is “working” all right.

His claim here is enough to break out into laughter: “Now why is Medicare expensive? Because it takes care of old, sick people.” No, Dr. Scheiner, it’s not the reason why Medicare is breaking the bank. It’s cost prohibitive because the agency coerces physicians to charge the highest amount to their customers (just as the private insurers do, as mandated by federal rules and guidelines) and it’s in the red because it spends more on tax revenues than it takes in. Plus, it incentivizes the elderly to use the program more than they would; thus, the service mandated by government is, through the forces of the government-created market, rationed, and the demand for Medicare by the seniors exceed the supplies available to provide for them. That’s WHY it is so expensive.

Here’s the entire clip for people to enjoy:

[Cross-posted at The Freeman Chronicles and the Peace, Freedom, and Prosperity website.]

Written by Todd Andrew Barnett

August 13, 2009 at 10:16 pm