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Archive for January 2008

Ask the Candidates How They Stand

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With the advent of YouTube, everything a presidential candidate says on the campaign trail is potentially important. As Big Media loses credibility and the homemade content of YouTubers and bloggers gains credibility, more and more people are turning to the Internet for news and information. Remarks that once went unnoticed are now fodder for online analysis and commentary.

The rise of alternative Internet media presents an opportunity for RADAR supporters to educate the nation about some of the problems with the domestic violence industry and where the various candidates stand in relation to those problems. RADAR has crafted two questions, one for Democrats and one for Republicans, that you can ask the candidates when they come to your area.

Democrats: False allegations of domestic violence have become widespread in our country and disproportionately disadvantage minority communities. Restraining orders obtained through false allegations of domestic violence rip parents out of children’s lives. If you are elected president, what will you do to stop these violations of civil rights?
Republicans: Many believe domestic violence programs are weakening the traditional American family. For example, restraining orders obtained through false allegations of domestic violence rip parents out of children’s lives. As president, what would you do to protect mothers and fathers from false allegations of domestic violence?

Please find out when and where a presidential candidate will be meeting with the public in your own state, and ask them a question. Don’t forget to bring a friend who can videotape your question and the candidate’s answer so you can post it on YouTube. Of course, if you do have the opportunity to ask a question of a candidate, please notify RADAR and provide the link to the video.

If you don’t have a video camera or are unfamiliar with posting videos on YouTube, please ask a question anyway and let us know the response.

Now is the time to put the spotlight on the candidates–a time when your opinion is not only valued, but sought after. Please ask one of our questions and make a CHANGE for domestic violence victims … and their children.

You can find out where the candidates will be appearing by going here:

Thank you!

Written by Todd Andrew Barnett

January 14, 2008 at 11:30 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

Huckabee on Leno

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Apparently, the Huckster appeared on last night’s Leno, which, along with Dave Letterman, had been off the air for eight weeks due to the relentless, never-ending Writers Guild of America (WGA) strike. It turns out that he had ticked off the picketing writers because he had crossed the picketing lines to get into the studio for his on-the-air appearance.

The Guild issued a very stern yet bold statement on its website regarding the incident. It stated the following:

“The Writers Guild is disappointed that Mike Huckabee crossed the WGA picket line today at NBC. We welcome the statements of support he has made for striking writers, but we ask him to respect our picket lines in the future and urge the media conglomerates to return to the bargaining table to make a fair deal that will put writers and the entertainment industry back to work.”

As much as I despise the Huckster and his evil, lopsided — not to mention misguided — positions, he deserved a chance to be heard on the air as much as any political candidate, even if the strikers can’t stand his wishy-washy positions on many issues such as the war, the declining U.S. dollar, the health care crisis, etc. Imagine if Ron Paul had crossed those picket lines. Wouldn’t the strikers be saying the same thing? However, if it were Billary, Barack, or any of the Democrats appearing on Leno, would they be expressing the same viewpoint? Any chance of a clear case of hypocrisy showing on their political sleeves?

The idiotic strike itself is another story and will be noted here on the blog later. But, as much as I can’t stand Mikey himself, he, like any other political candidate, has the right to be heard and has earned a chance to be heard by the public at large.

Written by Todd Andrew Barnett

January 3, 2008 at 10:37 am

Posted in Uncategorized